Some examples of items and services for which grants can be considered
Purchasing Items
- Furniture, washing machines, dryers, fridge freezers, cookers, heaters, bedding, clothing, footwear, carpets, and curtains etc, especially where the purchase will help relieve pain suffering or distress.
- Decorating, insulation and repair costs, again where it can be demonstrated that it will help relieve pain, hardship or suffering.
- Cost of adaptations to the homes of disabled or infirm applicants.
Training and Work
- Tuition fees, training, books, exam costs and tools, especially where it will help the applicant to earn their living or support themselves in the future.
Payment of Costs
- Payment for travelling, subsistence and accommodation expenses for attending or visiting relatives in hospitals, convalescent homes, children’s homes, or prison etc., particularly where more frequent visits are desirable than payments from public funds will allow.
- Payments to other charities accommodating those in need in the area of the charity such as almshouses, homes or hostels for the care of old, infirm or homeless people.
- Recuperative or respite holiday.
- Food for special diets, medical or other aids, nursing requisites or comforts.
- Please note that the trustees will not make awards to meet the costs of any debts already incurred.
- Grants tend to be in the order of £100 to £300